Historical Spain

Historical Spain. Unesco world heritage sites spain. Historical sites in spain. Heritage spain. Historical places in spain. Properties inscribed on the World Heritage List of Spain . These UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Spain incorporate a portion of the Iberian Peninsula’s most old fashioned towns and old towns. A portion of these destinations have cobble-stoned Romanesque roads and stunning design, while others are recorded focuses inside bigger current urban communities. You can find a large portion of these legacy locales on normal travel agendas.

Spain facts

Spain is one of the cultural centers of the world. This is also not surprising given its strategic location between Europe and Africa; the enormous cultural and artistic influence of various civilizations over the centuries, and the enormous natural treasures.

Spain has the third most UNESCO World Heritage Sites after Italy and China, with more than 55 inscriptions. So this is not just a subjective evaluation.

The country has exactly 49 historic sites and sites that the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) considers unique, diverse and of outstanding value to humanity, which transcends national borders and belongs to all peoples of the world. And he provides technical support to preserve it.

Cultural, Natural and Intangible Heritage

UNESCO broadly classifies World Heritage sites as cultural, natural, mixed (where cultural and ecological values ??are combined) and tangible or intangible. Spain stands out in culture, with 43 attributes and the first category in which attributes are declared. There are also 4 natural and 2 mixed.

Of these, 15 Spanish cities are included in the Spanish Cities Group and are included on the World Heritage List with the goal of joint action to protect the historical and cultural heritage of these cities.

The historical centers and cities that make up this network: Cordoba, Avila, Santiago de Compostela, Segovia, Caceres, Toledo, Salamanca, Cuenca, Alcala de Henares, San Cristobal de la Laguna, Uveda, Baeza, Ibiza, Merida and Tarragona.

This list ranges from the caves of Atapuerca and the Altamira petroglyphs to the Palace of Music of Catalonia in Barcelona, the cathedrals of Burgos and Seville, the Renaissance cities of Ubeda and Baeza, the Valencia Silk Exchange, or Gaudi’s modernist works.

As for natural areas, Spain has beech native forests in the Garajonay Natural Park, Donana National Park, Teide National Park, the Carpathians, and other parts of Europe (common with other European countries).

There are also mixed places where cultural and ecological values ??are combined, such as the city of Ibiza and the Pyrenees of Monte Perdido in Monte Perdido.

European countries with the largest intangible heritage

For UNESCO, cultural heritage is not limited to historical landmarks. This includes living expressions inherited from our ancestors, such as oral traditions, performing arts, social customs, or festivals.

It is for this reason that the concept of including intangible heritage emerged in the 1990s. This designation took shape with the signing of the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Heritage in 2003, and between 2001 and 2005 Spain received the first classifications: Mystery play of Elche and Patum of Berga.

Since then, Spain has become the European country with the most inscribed Intangible cultural heritage, with 19, followed by Croatia with 17.

These include versatile Spanish traditions such as flamenco, Valencian waterfalls or castles, and patios of Cordoba, Silbo Gomero, falconry or the Mediterranean diet (which it shares with other countries).

In addition to all this, in Spain there are 11 documents designated by UNESCO as “memories of the world” in the framework of the program, “memories of the world”.

An international initiative undertaken by UNESCO since 1992, aims at promoting the preservation and access of the most important historical and documented heritages of the world’s peoples.

Spain also occupies a very prominent position as the second European country with the highest number of designations of this type.

These documents include the Treaty of Tordesillas (shared with Portugal), the Capitulations of Santa Fe, the Codex Calixtinus or the Archives of Santiago Ramon y Cajal and the Spanish School of Neurophysiology.

Spain landmarks

The historical backdrop of Spain traces all the way back to the Antiquity when the pre-Roman people groups of the Mediterranean bank of the Iberian Peninsula connected with the Greeks and Phoenicians and the main composing frameworks known as Paleohispanic scripts were created. In 1516, Habsburg Spain bound together various unique archetype realms; its cutting edge type of an established government was presented in 1813, and the current vote based constitution dates to 1978.

After the finishing of the Reconquista, the Crown of Castile started to investigate across the Atlantic Ocean in 1492, venturing into the New World and denoting the start of the Golden Age under the Spanish Empire. The realms of Spain were joined under Habsburg rule in 1516, that brought together the Crown of Castile, the Crown of Aragon and more modest realms under a similar standard. Until the 1650s, Habsburg Spain was the most remarkable state on the planet. Spain stayed among the most impressive states until the mid nineteenth century.

Burgos Cathedral (1984)

The Burgos Cathedral is situated in the recorded focus of the Spanish city of a similar name, in the Autonomous Community of Castilla y León, in the northern Iberian Peninsula. The Cathedral of Saint Mary of Burgos is a Catholic church devoted to the Virgin Mary situated in the recorded focal point of the Spanish city of Burgos.

Its authority name is Santa Iglesia Catedral Basílica Metropolitana de Santa María de Burgos. Development on the Cathedral started in 1221 and was finished in 1567. It is a complete illustration of the advancement of Gothic style, with the whole history of Gothic workmanship showed in its great design and novel assortment of craftsmanship, including artworks, ensemble slows down, reredos, burial places, and stained-glass windows.

The Burgos church was proclaimed a World Heritage Site by UNESCO on October 31, 1984. It is the lone Spanish basilica that has this qualification freely, without being joined to the noteworthy focus of a city (as in Salamanca, Santiago de Compostela, Ávila, Córdoba, Toledo, Alcalá de Henares or Cuenca) or in association with different structures, as in Seville. It is comparative in plan to Brussels Cathedral.

The arrangement of the Cathedral depends on a Latin Cross of amicable extents of 84 by 59 meters. The three-story rise, the vaulting, and the mesh of the windows are firmly identified with contemporary models of the north of France. The entryways of the transept (the Puerta del Sarmental toward the south and the Puerta de la Coronería toward the north) may likewise be contrasted with the incredible etched troupes of the French illustrious area, while the plated, metal burial chamber of Bishop Mauricio takes after the alleged Limoges goldsmith work. Embraced after the Cathedral, the two-celebrated house, which was finished towards 1280, still fits inside the structure of the French high Gothic.

Tower of Hercules (2009)

The Tower of Hercules has filled in as a beacon and milestone at the passage of La Coruña harbor in north-western Spain since the late first century A.D. at the point when the Romans fabricated the Farum Brigantium. The Tower, based on a 57 meter high stone, ascents a further 55 meters, of which 34 meters relate to the Roman brick work and 21 meters to the reclamation coordinated by draftsman Eustaquio Giannini in the eighteenth century, who expanded the Roman center with two octagonal structures. Promptly contiguous the foundation of the Tower, is a little rectangular Roman structure. The site likewise includes a model park, the Monte dos Bicos rock carvings from the Iron Age and a Muslim graveyard. The Roman establishments of the structure were uncovered in unearthings led during the 1990s.

The Tower of Hercules is a National Monument of Spain, and has been an UNESCO World Heritage Site since 27 June 2009. It is the second-tallest beacon in Spain, after the Faro de Chipiona. Numerous legends from the Middle Ages to the nineteenth century encompass the Tower of Hercules, which is novel as it is the lone beacon of Greece-Roman vestige to have held a proportion of underlying trustworthiness and utilitarian coherence. The Tower of Hercules is the most established surviving beacon known. It has an antiquated Roman beginning on a promontory about 2.4 km from the focal point of A Coruña, Galicia, in north-western Spain. Until the twentieth century, it was known as the Farum Brigantium.

Cave of Altamira and Paleolithic Cave Art of Northern Spain (1985)

The Cave of Altamira and Paleolithic Cave Art of Northern Spain (Cueva de Altamira y arte rupestre paleolítico del Norte de España) is a gathering of 18 caverns of northern Spain, which together address the apogee of Upper Paleolithic cavern workmanship in Europe somewhere in the range of 35,000 and 11,000 years prior (Aurignacian, Gravettian, Solutrean, Magdalenian, Azilian). In 2008, they were all things considered assigned a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

Boss among these caverns is Altamira, situated inside the town of Santillana del Mar in Cantabria. It stays perhaps the main canvas patterns of ancient times, starting in the Magdalenian and Solutrean times of the Upper Paleolithic. This present cavern’s creative style addresses the Franco-cantabrian school, described by the authenticity of its metaphorical portrayal. Altamira Cave was proclaimed a World Heritage Site in 1985. In 2008, the World Heritage Site was extended to incorporate 17 extra surrenders situated in three self-sufficient networks of northern Spain: Asturias, Cantabria and the Basque Country.

Historic Centre of Cordoba (1984)

The Historic Centre of Cordoba, Spain is one of the biggest of its sort in Europe. In 1984, UNESCO enrolled the Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba as a World Heritage Site. After 10 years, it extended the engraving to incorporate a significant part of the old town. The noteworthy focus has an abundance of landmarks saving huge hints of Roman, Arabic, and Christian occasions.

Initial a Carthaginian municipality, Córdoba was caught by the Romans in 206 BC, before long turning into the capital of Hispania Citerior with fine structures and forcing fortresses. In the sixth century, with the disintegrating of the Roman Empire, the city tumbled to the Visigoths until the start of the eighth century when it was vanquished by the Moors. In 716, Córdoba turned into a commonplace capital and, in 766, capital of the Muslim emirate of al-Andalus. By the tenth century, as the Caliphate of Córdoba it had gotten perhaps the most progressive urban communities on the planet, perceived for its way of life, learning and strict resilience. It expansion to an enormous library, the city encased more than 300 mosques and a large number of royal residences and authoritative structures.

In 1236, King Ferdinand III took the city, incorporated new protections and changed over the Grand Mosque into a church building. The Christian city grew up around the house of God with castles, chapels, and a fort. Albeit the city lost its political importance under Christian guideline, it kept on assuming a significant part in trade because of the close by Sierra Morena copper mines.

Ibiza, Biodiversity and Culture (1999)

Ibiza is an excellent example of the interaction of marine and coastal ecosystems. The dense prairie of marine posidonia (algae), an important endemic species found only in the Mediterranean Basin, contains and supports a variety of marine life.

Ibiza has a lot of evidence for its long history. Archaeological excavations at Sa Caleta (settlement) and Puig de Moline (cemetery) testify to the important role the island played in the Mediterranean economy in prehistoric times, especially during the Phoenician and Carthageian times.

The fortified upper town (Alta Villa) is a prominent example of Renaissance military architecture. It had a major impact on the development of fortresses in the Spanish settlements of the New World.

Ibiza Spain

49 UNESCO world heritage sites Spain

  1. Alhambra, Generalife and Albayzín, Granada (1984,1994)
  2. Antequera Dolmens Site (2016)
  3. Aranjuez Cultural Landscape (2001)
  4. Archaeological Ensemble of Mérida (1993)
  5. Archaeological Ensemble of Tárraco (2000)
  6. Archaeological Site of Atapuerca (2000)
  7. Burgos Cathedral (1984)
  8. Caliphate City of Medina Azahara (2018)
  9. Catalan Romanesque Churches of the Vall de Boí (2000)
  10. Cathedral, Alcázar and Archivo de Indias in Seville (1987)
  11. Cave of Altamira and Paleolithic Cave Art of Northern Spain (1985,2008)
  12. Cultural Landscape of the Serra de Tramuntana (2011)
  13. Heritage of Mercury. Almadén and Idrija (2012)
  14. Historic Centre of Cordoba (1984,1994)
  15. Historic City of Toledo (1986)
  16. Historic Walled Town of Cuenca (1996)
  17. La Lonja de la Seda de Valencia (1996)
  18. Las Médulas (1997)
  19. Monastery and Site of the Escurial, Madrid (1984)
  20. Monuments of Oviedo and the Kingdom of the Asturias (1985,1998)
  21. Mudejar Architecture of Aragon (1986,2001)
  22. Old City of Salamanca (1988)
  23. Old Town of Ávila with its Extra-Muros Churches (1985)
  24. Old Town of Cáceres (1986)
  25. Old Town of Segovia and its Aqueduct (1985)
  26. Palau de la Música Catalana and Hospital de Sant Pau, Barcelona (1997)
  27. Palmeral of Elche (2000)
  28. Paseo del Prado and Buen Retiro, a landscape of Arts and Sciences (2021)
  29. Poblet Monastery (1991)
  30. Prehistoric Rock Art Sites in the Côa Valley and Siega Verde (1998,2010)
  31. Renaissance Monumental Ensembles of Úbeda and Baeza (2003)
  32. Risco Caido and the Sacred Mountains of Gran Canaria Cultural Landscape (2019)
  33. Rock Art of the Mediterranean Basin on the Iberian Peninsula (1998)
  34. Roman Walls of Lugo (2000)
  35. Routes of Santiago de Compostela: Camino Francés and Routes of Northern Spain (1993,2015)
  36. Royal Monastery of Santa María de Guadalupe (1993)
  37. San Cristóbal de La Laguna (1999)
  38. San Millán Yuso and Suso Monasteries (1997)
  39. Santiago de Compostela (Old Town) (1985)
  40. Tower of Hercules (2009)
  41. University and Historic Precinct of Alcalá de Henares (1998)
  42. Vizcaya Bridge (2006)
  43. Works of Antoni Gaudí (1984,2005)
  44. Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe (2007,2011,2017)
  45. Doñana National Park (1994,2005)
  46. Garajonay National Park (1986)
  47. Teide National Park (2007)
  48. Ibiza, Biodiversity and Culture (1999)
  49. Pyrénées – Mont Perdu (1997,1999)
Amitava Ray
Amitava Ray

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